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jonathan miles

number of posts : 864
with us since : 26/06/2015
face claim : diego barrueco
relationship status : ily single life

jonathan miles

i'm the cause of everything

absences Empty
absences EmptyČet Jul 02, 2015 10:31 pm #1


če boste kdaj odsotni nekaj časa, nam to prosimo javite v tej temi.
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jonathan miles

number of posts : 864
with us since : 26/06/2015
face claim : diego barrueco
relationship status : ily single life

jonathan miles

i'm the cause of everything

absences Empty
absences EmptyČet Jul 02, 2015 10:32 pm #2

actually i'll be missing tomorrow, zvečer bom definitivno online, ampak me čez dan probably ne bo. pridem pogledat ampak ne garantiram, da bom lahko odpisovala and stuff absences 3061726045 absences 4276152503
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absences Empty
absences EmptyČet Jul 02, 2015 10:36 pm #3

od jutri naprej me ne bo en teden - grem na morje(:
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joe martins

number of posts : 142
with us since : 01/07/2015
face claim : shailene woodley
relationship status : single

joe martins

i've always wanted to see this island

absences Empty
absences EmptySob Jul 04, 2015 9:14 pm #4

6. 6. - 10.7. 2015
grem na kosovo - prostovoljska akcija. dobite mogoče kašne uber crappy odpise s telefona, ampak močno dvomim ;3 stay in flowers absences 2805015026
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bea jacobs

number of posts : 476
with us since : 27/06/2015
face claim : t farmiga
relationship status : where is tate

bea jacobs

i'm the cause of everything

absences Empty
absences EmptyPon Jul 06, 2015 5:58 pm #5

Odsotna bom ta teden. Bom poskusila odpisati, vendar ne obljubim.
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jonathan miles

number of posts : 864
with us since : 26/06/2015
face claim : diego barrueco
relationship status : ily single life

jonathan miles

i'm the cause of everything

absences Empty
absences EmptySre Jul 08, 2015 11:29 pm #6

once again bom odsotna en dan, jutri pridem občasno pogledat gor iz telefona, odgovarjat pa verjetno ne bom mogla, ker imam cel dan opravke. tako, da dobite vse odgovore v petek, če ne prej <3
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zara johnson

number of posts : 97
with us since : 05/07/2015
face claim : barbara palvin
relationship status : single

zara johnson

i just want to have fun around here

absences Empty
absences EmptySre Jul 15, 2015 11:09 pm #7

17.-31.7., morje:)
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joe martins

number of posts : 142
with us since : 01/07/2015
face claim : shailene woodley
relationship status : single

joe martins

i've always wanted to see this island

absences Empty
absences EmptyPon Jul 20, 2015 5:55 pm #8

20. 7. - 28.7. 2015
grem na morje, bom malce počasneje odpisovala oz nekaj čas morda ne - stay in flowers absences 2805015026
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adrian lamaer

number of posts : 32
with us since : 22/07/2015
face claim : joseph morgan
relationship status : talking about feelings, are we?

adrian lamaer

i know the truth of the legend

absences Empty
absences EmptyČet Jul 23, 2015 1:53 am #9

9.8 - 15.8
morje z najdražjim. absences 2805015026
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maicy willson

number of posts : 134
with us since : 17/07/2015
face claim : janice joostema
relationship status : relationships are not my thing tbh

maicy willson

i just want to have fun around here

absences Empty
absences EmptyČet Jul 23, 2015 1:08 pm #10

    today until tomorrow noon due to a house party v treh pm
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jonathan miles

number of posts : 864
with us since : 26/06/2015
face claim : diego barrueco
relationship status : ily single life

jonathan miles

i'm the cause of everything

absences Empty
absences EmptyPet Jul 24, 2015 11:58 am #11

od danes do jutri popoldne bom missing, v vecini bom odpisala sele jutri, pogledat pa pridem vmes kdaj gor absences 2805015026
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jonathan miles

number of posts : 864
with us since : 26/06/2015
face claim : diego barrueco
relationship status : ily single life

jonathan miles

i'm the cause of everything

absences Empty
absences EmptySob Jul 25, 2015 1:58 pm #12

malo bom podaljsala do jutri odsotnost bc complications tako da jutri popoldne ali zvecer pridem nazaj
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evelyn navarrete

number of posts : 39
with us since : 27/07/2015
face claim : rosie huntington
relationship status : single

evelyn navarrete

i just want to have fun around here

absences Empty
absences EmptySre Jul 29, 2015 11:19 am #13

približno en teden verjetno ne bom odgovarjala (nič ne obljubim) ker bo frendcija pri meni:)
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jonathan miles

number of posts : 864
with us since : 26/06/2015
face claim : diego barrueco
relationship status : ily single life

jonathan miles

i'm the cause of everything

absences Empty
absences EmptyPet Jul 31, 2015 6:17 pm #14

no zdaj vas pa se sama zapuscam za dva tedna ^^ sicer je wifi v apartmaju, ampak me ne bo veliko gor, prisla bom vecinoma samo pogledat cez dan, odpisovala pa bom bolj proti vecernih urah ce bo treba. stay golden babes absences 2805015026
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maicy willson

number of posts : 134
with us since : 17/07/2015
face claim : janice joostema
relationship status : relationships are not my thing tbh

maicy willson

i just want to have fun around here

absences Empty
absences EmptyPon Avg 03, 2015 5:31 pm #15

    i apologize ampak v zadnjih parih dneh nisem bila dosti doma da bi odpisovala in tudi danes zal nebom in jutri ker me once again nebo doma. se bom potrudila odpcim hitreje. sorry lovelies c:
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maicy willson

number of posts : 134
with us since : 17/07/2015
face claim : janice joostema
relationship status : relationships are not my thing tbh

maicy willson

i just want to have fun around here

absences Empty
absences EmptySre Avg 05, 2015 12:55 am #16

    again i am sorry, last minute trip, jutri bom odsotna mogoce odpisem proti veceru ce ne bom prevec utrujena drugace pa definitivno po jutrisnem ko bom imela wifi in cas. love u :*
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elisha clarke

number of posts : 20
with us since : 06/07/2015
face claim : natalie dormer

elisha clarke

i just want to have fun around here

absences Empty
absences EmptySre Avg 05, 2015 10:53 pm #17

jaz vas zapuščam do konc mesca, ker grem z dva tedna na morje, potem pa do konca še k babici na ranč, pa je z wifijem bolj z j, sploh pa ne bom mela raćunalnika zraven :/ have fun, babies :)
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zara johnson

number of posts : 97
with us since : 05/07/2015
face claim : barbara palvin
relationship status : single

zara johnson

i just want to have fun around here

absences Empty
absences EmptySre Avg 12, 2015 10:38 pm #18

do sobote verjetno ne bom mogla odpisovat, ker ne bom mela časa. :c have fun guys <3
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jonathan miles

number of posts : 864
with us since : 26/06/2015
face claim : diego barrueco
relationship status : ily single life

jonathan miles

i'm the cause of everything

absences Empty
absences EmptyČet Avg 13, 2015 10:01 am #19

moje odgovore dobite v soboto zvečer v najslabšem primeru babes! ker sem do zdaj pisala iz telefona kadarkoli sem hotela, pa se je kabel za polnjenje uničil tako, da sem brez do sobote zvečer, ko pridem iz morja absences 4276152503 pridem pa iz laptopa pogledat vsaj enkrat na dan do takrat, so have fun babes absences 2805015026
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caspian davenport

number of posts : 84
with us since : 03/08/2015
face claim : jack falahee
relationship status : single

caspian davenport

i know the truth of the legend

absences Empty
absences EmptySob Avg 15, 2015 11:07 pm #20

tisti, ki vam še dolgujem odpise na caspianu in avivi dobite jutri, pinky promise, ker sem danes preveč utrujena in bi bli zanič prispevki (:
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rosemary burns

number of posts : 16
with us since : 06/08/2015
face claim : ira chernova
relationship status : what kind of animal is this?

rosemary burns

i just want to have fun around here

absences Empty
absences EmptyPon Avg 17, 2015 11:17 am #21

nekej časa me že ni blo na forumu, ker imam par osebnih stvari za porihtat v real lajfu. tako da odpišem na vse odgovore/plote takoj ko te zadeve uredim. več kot par dni naj ne bi trajalo. i hope so.
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alaska knight

number of posts : 39
with us since : 08/08/2015
face claim : phoebe tonkiin
relationship status : in a relationship and loving it

alaska knight

i just want to have fun around here

absences Empty
absences EmptySre Avg 19, 2015 12:22 pm #22

hey babes, se opravičujem ker sem bla zadnje dni mia, ampak se je moj računalnik odločil pokvariti tako da je zdaj že teden dni na popravilu in ne vem točno, kdaj ga dobim nazaj. upam, da bom do takrat lahko kak odgovor spravila skozi v knjižnici, ampak ne obljubim ravno.

upam da vam lahko čim prej vsem odpišem, tudi na plote in pm-je, do takrat pa stay in flowers guys.
absences 2805015026
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hayden dawson

number of posts : 99
with us since : 15/08/2015
face claim : grant gustin
relationship status : constant state of confusion

hayden dawson

i know the truth of the legend

absences Empty
absences EmptySre Avg 19, 2015 7:41 pm #23

zaradi pomembnega izpita v ponedeljek bom verjetno do takrat odpisovala bolj počasi in bolj poredko.
do takrat se bom pač potrudila odpisat tisto kar sem dolžna. it should bounce back to usual after monday.

all the best. absences 1811224501

(goes for hayden & catalina)
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maicy willson

number of posts : 134
with us since : 17/07/2015
face claim : janice joostema
relationship status : relationships are not my thing tbh

maicy willson

i just want to have fun around here

absences Empty
absences EmptyNed Avg 23, 2015 5:07 am #24

    se oproscam, odgovore bom spisala sele jutri ali pojutrisnjem saj sem v hotelu z zelo slabim internetom in brez laptopa, ce se bo wifi kaj izboljsal se bom potruda odpisati ze jutri.
    stay lovely absences 2805015026
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astrid larsson

number of posts : 45
with us since : 15/08/2015
face claim : shanina shaik
relationship status : taken!

astrid larsson

i know the truth of the legend

absences Empty
absences EmptyPon Avg 24, 2015 5:13 pm #25

babes! moji odpisi pridejo jutri, najkasneje pojutrišnjem, obljubim. i've been feeling pretty crappy about life lately and just didn't feel like writing, honestly. but it's all more or less good now so hopefully y'all didn't forget about me yet and i'll be able to get back on track asap!
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